
Introduction to Linguistic Mediation – Lesson

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Introduction to Linguistic Mediation – Lesson

3 enero 2023 englisheoi Comments Off

Title: Introduction to Linguistic Mediation

Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • – define and understand the concept of linguistic mediation,
  • – identify examples of linguistic mediation in different contexts.
  • Materials needed:
  • Handout with the definition of linguistic mediation and examples
  • Various texts, images, or videos featuring instances of linguistic mediation (e.g. news articles, interviews, subtitles on a movie)
Suitable for learners at various levels of proficiency.

Lesson Outline

Warm up:

  • Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever encountered a situation where they needed to communicate with someone who spoke a different language.
  • Ask them to share their experiences and any challenges they faced in trying to communicate effectively.


Introduce the concept of linguistic mediation, explaining that it is the process of using language to facilitate communication between people who speak different languages or who have different cultural backgrounds.

Share the handout with the definition and examples of linguistic mediation, and go over them as a class.


  • Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a different text or video featuring instances of linguistic mediation (e.g. news articles, interviews, subtitles on a movie).
  • Have the groups analyze the text or video to identify examples of linguistic mediation, and discuss how effective the mediation was in facilitating communication between the speakers.
  • Have the groups present their findings to the class, and facilitate a class discussion on the different examples of linguistic mediation and their effectiveness.


Review the main points of the lesson, including the definition of linguistic mediation and the importance of effective communication between people who speak different languages or have different cultural backgrounds.

Encourage students to consider how they can use linguistic mediation in their own lives to facilitate communication and bridge cultural divides.

Longer session?: You can include the following mixed-ability task which allows students to reflect on their own experiences with linguistic mediation and to think creatively about how to overcome communication barriers. It also provides an opportunity for students to share their ideas and strategies with their peers, which can help to foster a sense of community and support within the class.

Mixed-ability task: 

  • Provide each student with a blank piece of paper and a pen or pencil or a mini whiteboard with a marker.

    • Ask the students to think of a time when they needed to communicate with someone who spoke a different language or had a different cultural background.
    • Have them draw a picture or create a mind map representing the communication difficulties they faced and how they overcame them (e.g. using gestures, finding a translator, using a dictionary).
    • Encourage the students to be creative and to include as much detail as possible in their drawings or mind maps.
    • Once the students have finished, have them share their drawings or mind maps with a partner or small group and discuss their experiences of linguistic mediation.
    • As a class, discuss the different strategies that the students used to overcome communication barriers and facilitate effective communication.

Assessment for learning activity

AFL: Assessment for Learning

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